Friday, January 22, 2010

CoolMomPicks & Etsy Competition for Children's Heart Foundation

Children's Printable Valentines! Need I say more? I have really been getting into designing printable designs for my Etsy store, I love designing things for my daughter, and I am always looking for activities to do with her. Bonus, that this is for charity! and has joined together to have a Valentine's Day Card Design Contest. The card has to be designed to that children can color them in and they have to be printable. Nine designs will be picked by the CoolMomPicks Editorial Team and will be featured on Etsy. The nine designs will also be put together on a downloadable PDF file on Etsy's store for purchase. All procedes will then go towards Children's Heart Foundation.

This will be my first design competition. I am not sure if I may have shot myself in the foot for the fact that I can't just do something simple, instead I did a whole coloring match book valentine! Plus I looked up how to say "Love" in seven languages! The booklet when assembled will be the size required, but it's more of a full activity for children. Each page features the word "love" in a different language and an animal that would be from that region. Parents and children could put the booklet together before hand and hand out to their friends, or they can hand out the sheets and they can assemble it together! I think this would be great for teachers and daycare professionals. This was so fun to put together, and I have already tested some of the sheets out with my daughter...granted, she is almost 2, but she loves it!

So, hopefully my design is chosen! Wish me luck! Check out my Etsy Store at
Feel Free to click on the German owl and print out for coloring. I am still learning the whole blogging thing so I do not know how to add a high resolution file on here yet or set up downloads from the blog. If anyone can help me with that I would be grateful! For right now this is a jpeg file.

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